
Vov Abraxas


I Heart Lykke Li!


Who Is Gary Wilson?

Gary Wilson is a human abstraction. He grew up in Endicott, NY and later slipped into obscurity in San Diego, CA.




***gARY'S aLBUM:

You Think You Really Know Me


Morphine Memories #1

OK kiddies...the first in my new installment: MORPHINE MEMORIES!

Whenever you hear "Space Oddity" by David Bowie remember this....You know the part where Dave is counting down to take off? The part before he slams into the "this is ground control" part? Well, I use to have this little ritual/challenge to cook up my dope and plunge it in my arm before the countdown was over, scoring extra points if the dope hit my brain a second before "lift-off". 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1......GOODBYE EARTH, HELLO 120 mg's of VELVET ARMOR!*** I didn't always make it of course but it was sure fun trying.


Heaven: day one

After putting up with a grueling third world type ride courtesy of Greyhound (They're far worse now with the "cuts") I arrived in Penticton at roughly 9:30 pm. Luckily, my accommodations were only 4 blocks away considering the 200 lb. hockey bag I was lugging. I was soon greeted by a wonderful cast of people and a wondrous house outfitted with a control room containing no less than 6 computers! The weather has been windy and a lil chilly in the mornings but by noon it's 20 above! So get this I go to the local shelter to catch a meal and....You get a fucking choice between seafood linguine or homemade chili with a turkey bacon sandwich etc. etc. and all the bread,fruit and veggies you can take for later! Gourmet shit man. Then off to the pharmacy for my meds....the pharmacist realizes i'm low on cash and offers to gimme my meds on a "karmic" system whereas I behave and be polite and get what I need essentially free! WTF?! And yes, The women are beautiful and easy going too. Heaven on earth bitches.


Jane Roberts - Only You Can Control Your Destiny!

This insightful woman claimed to have been possessed by a being named Seth. Through Jane's body, Seth discusses the nature of humanity and how we can find peace and contentment in our lives...


There What?

A Theremin (pronounced Theramin) is an electronic musical instrument that consists of two antenna prongs that are attached to a wooden box which holds electronic components. The antennae act as sensors that are controlled by the players hands hovering over each antenna (one on the right, one on the left), regulating the frequency and volume of the instrument. It produces an eerie, melodic sound amplified through a speaker that is often used on film soundtracks. It's pitch is similar in sound to a violin and can neatly accompany a classical composition.

The Theremin was originally invented by Russian inventor Leon Theremin in 1920 for Russian government proximity research, during which this musical anomaly peaked the interest of Vladimir Lenin, whom later sent Leon on a world tour to demonstrate this device. Leon Theremin eventually patented his invention in 1928 in the United States and production rights were granted to RCA. During the 1930s the Theremin was played to a widespread audience by Clara Rockmore. Although due to the stock market crash of 1929, the invention of other electronic instruments and a rumor involving Leon and the KGB, the Theremin soon fell into obscurity. It wasn't until Robert Moog, the godfather of the synthesizer, began building Theremins in 1950 that this instrument resurfaced on the music scene. Moog Music continues to manufacture these instruments today.

There are many musicians whom play and study the Theremin:

Pamelia Kurstin

Dr. Samuel Hoffman

Lydia Kavina

Others Include:

Natalie Naveira

Fiona Brice

Roy Harter

Yvonne Lambert

Pietra Wexstun

Meredith Anne Yayanos