
Heaven: day one

After putting up with a grueling third world type ride courtesy of Greyhound (They're far worse now with the "cuts") I arrived in Penticton at roughly 9:30 pm. Luckily, my accommodations were only 4 blocks away considering the 200 lb. hockey bag I was lugging. I was soon greeted by a wonderful cast of people and a wondrous house outfitted with a control room containing no less than 6 computers! The weather has been windy and a lil chilly in the mornings but by noon it's 20 above! So get this I go to the local shelter to catch a meal and....You get a fucking choice between seafood linguine or homemade chili with a turkey bacon sandwich etc. etc. and all the bread,fruit and veggies you can take for later! Gourmet shit man. Then off to the pharmacy for my meds....the pharmacist realizes i'm low on cash and offers to gimme my meds on a "karmic" system whereas I behave and be polite and get what I need essentially free! WTF?! And yes, The women are beautiful and easy going too. Heaven on earth bitches.